Thursday, May 22, 2008

We grieve for our fellow RED comrades from China

Torres doing his part in supporting the quake victims

MyRAWK extends our deepest heart felt condolences to all our fellow RED comrades and everyone affected by the devastating earth quake in Sichuan in China. As the death toll is rising to above 40, 000, lets do all we can to help them go through this difficult and testing period.

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silverSong of a lark.

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams
Be tossed and blown.

Walk on walk on
With hope in your hearts
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.



Unknown said...

It is good to know that Torres is giving his support to the affected people in PRC.

However, it is sad to say that this is an apparent marketing ploy to target the next big emerging market in PRC which is largely untapped.

What about Myanmar and its typhoon disaster? Has the world forgotten Myanmar?

Afterall, it probably takes Torres less than an hour of his time for the pictures to be taken for this purpose.

Torres's PR people should be sacked and shot for doing a PR on PRC but not Myanmar!

An apparent biasness for all to see and smack of capitalism.

darianhenry said...

I agree fully..
Have a heart man..

You'll Never Walk Alone?
Well Myanmar is..

TQ said...

it is also apparent that the entire media spotlite and publicity given to the china quake is a major marketing stunt for the PRC to the world, and especially at the US. there were much subtle themes of selling itself to the world in a lot of the media PR n publicity stunts. there were lots of translations, publicities given to foreign aid and media despatches n updates to the western medias. these policies were unheard of in the old PRC regime. media broadcast of the quake is, until today, still a top advert earner for the PRC and many MNCs hv hooked up ads to these broadcasts with sympathetic themes.
so, there's no stopping the PR vehicles and what more the PR ppl of Torres? theres a current gravy train all the way into sichuan and everyone's hopping on for a good ride. Even if Torres' PR ppl wanted to, they'd probably couldnt find any roads, much less a path, into Myanmar for that matter...

Jon-C said...

Well, Mynmar's military Junta didn't put themselves into the good books of a lot of ppl with their own stupidity and pride.

When they woke up to their blunder and the ever increasing death toll, shit already happened and almost everyone is focused on the China quake - a far worst disaster btw.